Setting the chatbot name and timeout

To define the name of the chatbot and when the conversation is considered to be concluded, click Bot Settings, then go to the Details tab.

ID The bot identifier (system generated).
Name required Enter the bot name.
Description Optionally enter any notes about the bot. This information is for internal use only and will never be seen by your users.
Timeout (hours) Define the number of hours of inactivity after which the conversation will be ended (24 hours by default).
If you are using the Communicate web client, you can also set up a message that's shown in the chat window when a timeout occurs.
Encryption Key For details of setting up and using encryption, see Encryption and EngageOne™ Communicate chatbots.
Created Date on which the bot was created (system generated).
Created by Username of the bot creator (system generated).
Last modified Date on which the bot was last updated (system generated).
Last modified by Username of the last person to modify the bot (system generated).