Email campaigns: best practices

Which devices do people use?

Despite discrepancies based essentially on age, geolocation, industry and type of email, reports generally conclude that at least 50% of emails are opened on a mobile app. Therefore it is good practice to write emails with a mobile first perspective.

Using preview text

Preview text (sometimes referred to as "preheader text") is a brief description of what is in your email, and is shown as a preview in the inbox of most major email clients next to the subject line.

A simple but effective way to increase your open rates using the preview text is to simply tell the user to open the email. Including a Call to Action (CTA) in the preview text increases the chance that they will open the email.

Other considerations when writing preview text are as follows:

• Think mobile first

• Do not exceed the average number of visible characters

• Use short, simple and concise content, perhaps with the use of Link or Emoji

EngageOne™ Communicate allows you to include preview text with the following features:

• The process for including preview text is integrated with the current email sending process.

• It offers a user friendly solution based on a visual approach.

For information on how to send an email, including how to create preview text, see Sending an email.