Sending an email

Once you have previewed the email and sent a test email (if required), you can send the email.

Note: To send the email as part of a campaign, see Campaigns.

Click the Send Email button. The following screen is displayed:

Enter the following fields:

  • Campaign name. Only enter if you are sending the email as part of a campaign. See also Campaigns.
  • Send to. Select the appropriate data source containing the recipient email addresses, then from the dropdown at the right, select the field in the data source that contains the email address. The default data source is the one selected in the Contacts tab when editing the email.
  • Subject line. Enter the subject line for the email.
  • Preview text. Enter the preview text for this email. Preview text (sometimes referred to as "preheader text") is a brief description of what is in your email, and is shown as a preview in the inbox of most major email clients next to the subject line. This field is optional; if nothing is entered, the default behavior is to show the start of the mail content as the preview text.
  • Sender name. The name of the email sender.
  • From address. The email that will be seen by recipients as the sender. This email address must be owned by you, and you will be asked to verify it.
  • Reply-to address (optional). This field is optional and specifies the address to which replies will be sent. If not supplied, reply emails will go to the From address.
  • Archive. Turn this to On if you require emails to be archived. If you turn this on, a dropdown is displayed that allows you to choose the period for which emails are archived. Note that assets, such as images, that are included with the email will be added to the archive zip file.

You must also tick the bounce rate acknowledgement.

For information on the best practices for email campaigns, in particular selecting the subject line and preview text, see Email campaigns: best practices.