Statistics for a project

Click on the project name to display more detailed statistics for the project, as shown in the following example:

Note: For information on the update frequency for reporting statistics, see Update frequency.

The communications in the project are listed on the left hand side. The icon indicates the type of communication, as follows:

: email


: chat

For emails, the following information is shown for each communication:

  • CTOR: the Click to Open Rate as a percentage.
  • Opens: the total number of opens.
  • Total Click: the total number of clicks.

For SMS messages, the following information is shown for each communication:

  • Sent: the number of messages sent.
  • Delivered: the number of messages delivered.

For information on email statistics, see Statistics for an email communication.

For information on SMS statistics, see Statistics for an SMS communication.

For information on chat statistics, see Statistics for a chat communication.

For information on video statistics, see Statistics for a Video Communication.

Click the star icon ( ) to add a communication to your favorites list (at the top left).

Click the edit icon () to edit the communication.

Click the download icon () to download the statistics for that communication to a CSV file.